Energy Healing Crystals

Zebra Jasper Copper-Wrapped
Healing Crystal

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Like a zebra This is a striking gemstone that is believed to motivate and energise you to overcome apathy and transform your ideas into action. Zebra Jasper is also said to give you the courage to get to grips with your problems, and to give you the determination to see projects through to completion.
Zebra Jasper is a protective stone and it also calms the mind and promotes feelings of peace.

Zebra Jasper Copper-Wrapped
Healing Crystal
$24.95 (free shipping)


Chrysocolla Copper-Wrapped
Healing Crystal

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Chrysocolla is a very supportive goddess energy stone, that will inspire verbal expression and will empower both men and women to communicate in a clear, loving way. It is powerful to aid truthful and heartfelt loving communication. It will open your throat chakra and energize the words you speak, and may help you to choose the right words to speak to aid emotional healing in others.

Chrysocolla Copper-Wrapped
Healing Crystal
$24.95 (free shipping)

Chrysocolla Copper-Wrapped
Healing Crystal

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Chrysocolla is a very supportive goddess energy stone, that will inspire verbal expression and will empower both men and women to communicate in a clear, loving way. It is powerful to aid truthful and heartfelt loving communication. It will open your throat chakra and energize the words you speak, and may help you to choose the right words to speak to aid emotional healing in others.

Chrysocolla Copper-Wrapped
Healing Crystal
$24.95 (free shipping)

Quartz Crystal Copper-Wrapped
Healing Crystal

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Quartz is known as the Master Healing Crystal because it contains the full spectrum of light and as such will work on every level to bring the body into balance. It strengthens and stabilizes the body's energy fields and promotes harmony. Quartz can amplify both positive thoughts and energy and can stimulate positive action when it is needed. It can be held or worn to promote clarity of thought and to help you to see your way more clearly.

Quartz Crystal Copper-Wrapped
Healing Crystal
$24.95 (free shipping)

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Did You Know?

Our healing crystals can bring you anything you can open your heart and mind to!


Believe in your mind body and soul and anything is possible!

Trinity Healing Crystals
San Diego, California