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Red Jasper is said to bring problems forward so that they can be dealt with before they become too big. When held in the hand it is believed to ground us physically and emotionally, giving insight into difficult situations. In healing it can be placed on the Base Chakra. It is reputed to dissolve blockages in the liver or bile ducts, strengthen and detoxify the circulatory system, reduce digestive disorders and support the sexual organs. As this stone is said to control emotions it can also soothe the nerves. It is held to be a powerful healer and can be used for a long time as it releases it's energy slowly.
Turquoise is a Master Healer and can be placed on all the Seven Chakras but is especially beneficial for the Brow Chakra and the Throat Chakra. Placing turquoise on the Brow Chakra is said to enhance intuition and meditation, while placing it on the throat gently purifies the Throat Chakra and can be beneficial to the thyroid and the voice. Turquoise is a protective stone and has been used throughout the ages for protective amulets. Today it is believed to protect against outside influences and pollutants in the atmosphere.
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Want more pep in your life? Keep a carnelian with you and feel the energy flow to you. Carnelian is an energy booster. It helps the insecure person to find strength within them so they can come into their own. It is said to increase the appetite. It's also gives energy protects from bad vibrations guards against poverty helps give a sense of humor calms the temper.
Trinity Healing Crystals
San Diego, California